How To Go Parties When You Hate Going To Parties...
Now I know what you’re thinking – Alaa, if you dread parties so much, then why go to one in the first place?! Good point, shrewd reader. However, unfortunately not all parties are optional. Some parties we go to because they’re work obligation, others we must attend to prove to people that: yes, I’m capable of social intercourse (on some level at least).
The point is, you’re bound to find yourself in a social gathering of some sort sooner or later and I’m here to help you get through it, and perhaps even have fun? No guarantees on the latter though!
The before-party might even be more fun than the party itself!!!!
What is a before-party you might ask. Well, a before-party is when you gather all your girlfriends in one of you guy’s apartments and get ready for the actual party. It’s the time when you have some good old girl talk, jam to your favorite songs, and most importantly take the best selfies with the squad.

Dress like yourself!
I can’t stress this one enough! Parties to some people are already an uncomfortable ordeal so don’t make it worse on yourself by wearing something that doesn’t say YOU.
If high heels aren’t your thing – btw are high heels anyone’s thing? – don’t wear them just because you feel like you need to.
What did they have in store for us?

Have Fun
I mean why wouldn’t you at this point? You had a great time getting ready, you’re wearing a bomb ass outfit that most importantly makes you feel like yourself or should we say the best version of YOURSELF, and last but not least you have your squad with you. So, get out there and have yourself a marvelous time.

Now, let the awkward party story sharing begin in the comment section…

By Alaa Amed
A Lavender Latte Enthusiast.
Dress like yourself!
I can’t stress this one enough! Parties to some people are already an uncomfortable ordeal so don’t make it worse on yourself by wearing something that doesn’t say YOU.
If high heels aren’t your thing – btw are high heels anyone’s thing? – don’t wear them just because you feel like you need to. Put on whatever it is that makes you feel comfortable and fabulous.
What did they have in store for us?

Always bring your wingman/woman
This tip is important on so many levels! brining your person with you to social gatherings is not only great for when you find yourself in that painfully awkward conversation with a stranger who just wont let you go! but also you and your bestie will be watching each other’s backs and making sure y'all are safe.

Have fun
I mean why wouldn’t you at this point? You had a great time getting ready, you’re wearing a bomb ass outfit that most importantly makes you feel like yourself or should we say the best version of YOURSELF, and last but not least you have your squad with you. So, get out there and have yourself a marvelous time.

Now, let the awkward party story sharing begin in the comment section…

By Alaa Amed
A Lavender Latte Enthusiast.