If you've been following my activity on Instagram lately, you would've seen me post at least one picture, Insta story or perhaps even comment on someone else's post saying something to the effect of "I hate hate hate Fall!!"
Usually when I say this --I fucking hate Fall-- to people, I get one of two reactions.
The first one is often like: OMG - yes, me too. To which I respond: Wanna be best friends?
The second reaction that I get is: I'mma let you finish, but umm Fall is the greatest season of all time!! These people piss me off and here is why. To many of us, Fall-hating individuals, when leaves turn yellow and fall off, it really means one thing: Seasonal Affective Disorder is looming on the horizon. Seasonal Affective Disorder, which has an unfortunate acronym known as SAD, is a mood disorder that happens every year at the same time. It causes people to experience a loss of pleasure in activities they once loved. It's also characterized by depression and lack of energy.

If you feel like you might suffer from these symptoms, please try and get help and don't let Fall/Winter ruin a good chunk of your year. What I find helpful for me though is putting on the brightest most colorful outfit I could think of to just literally give myself a reason to leave my apartment in the morning, -- and you know what? That actually helps!!
So, without further ado, I bring to you the very first Fall Vaccine in the form of a crazy yet pleasant-to-look-at outfit. It was made to protect you against the horrors of Fall and dare I say Winter as well??
Striped pants that will make you guilty of looking fab!!
Bring the groove back with some patent booties!
Rose-tinted glasses that are guaranteed to give you an optimistic and wistful outlook on life..
And last but not least... A t-shirt!!